Introduction to SQL – Basic to Advanced

Introduction to SQL - Basic to Advanced
Introduction to SQL – Basic to Advanced

What is SQL?

Introduction to SQL

  • What is database?
  • What is SSMS and DBMS?
  • What are ACID properties in DBMS?
  • How to install SQL server on your desktop?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of SQL
  • Order of operation in SQL

Basic SQL Commands

  • DML, DDL, DCL, and TCL Commands
  • SELECT – To select data from database
  • WHERE – To filter the records using condition
  • ORDER BY – Order or sort the records
  • INSERT – Insert records to the table
  • CREATE – To create tables, views, stored procedures, database etc.
  • DELETE – Delete records from the table
  • DROP – Drop the table/view from the database
  • TRUNCATE – Truncate the records from the table
  • ALTER – To make changes, views or entire database
  • UPDATE – Modify the existing records

Learn SQL Operators

  • SQL Bitwise Operators – AND/OR/NOT operators
  • Arithmetic Operators (Example: +,-,*,/,%)
  • Between Operator
  • Comparison Operators
  • Compound Operators
  • Exists and NOT Exists
  • Except
  • Intersect
  • IN and NOT IN Operator
  • LIKE Operator
  • Union and Union All

SQL Decision Making Statements

  • If-Else Statement
  • Case statement
  • While Loop
  • Break Statement
  • Continue

SQL Clauses

  • Group By in SQL
  • Select Top
  • Having Clause
  • Order By Clause
  • Where Clause in SQL

Constraints in SQL with Examples

Learn SQL - basic to advanced

SQL Joins

Learn SQL – Advanced SQL Functions

  • Aggregation Functions
  • Analytic Functions
  • Mathematical functions
  • Date Functions
  • String methods
  • System methods and System Statistical
  • Set Permissions
  • Configuration Functions

Advanced SQL Topics

  • View – What is view and create/delete/drop views?
  • Stored Procedures
  • CTE – Common table expression
  • Subquery
  • Triggers
  • Cursors
  • Transactions
  • User Defined Functions
  • Partition
  • Try Catch

Conclusion on Introduction to SQL course

SQL is not only a database language, it is the oxygen for any person working with data. SQL continues to be a valuable tool or language as we adapt to the always changing data management environment because it helps connect the dots between unstructured data and insightful conclusions. Experienced professionals looking to improve their SQL skills or beginners just getting started with databases or starting your career with analytics will get benefit greatly from our introduction to SQL course.

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